Cisco SD-WAN: NAT DIA – Centralized Data Policy Method

In last article, we discussed NAT DIA on vEdge using Static NAT route. Now let’s explore other option to implement NAT DIA i.e via Centralized Data Policy Method. Refer that article for benefits of NAT DIA.


We are going to use same topology as in last article. We had implemented NAT DIA with Static NAT route in Service VPN 10. Now we will implement NAT DIA using Centralized Data Policy in Service VPN 20.


Centralized Data Policy provided full flexibility to re-direct traffic based on multiple factors like Source-IP, Destination-IP, Application Type, Protocol etc. If we use this method, then traffic follows the defined action and doesn’t anymore depends on route-table lookup. This can be compared to PBR(Policy Based Routing) in IOS-XE Autonomous mode.

Note, Centralised policy is applied via vSmarts and vManage requires all vSmarts in vManage Mode (i.e. Template attached) to activate Centralized Policy. If vSmarts are not having template attached, then first attach a template to them.


1. Navigate to Configuration > Policies. Under Centralized Policy, click Add Policy.

2. First step is “Create group of Interest”. Here you can create list of different objects(like Data Prefix, Site, VPN, Application etc.) to match the desired traffic or use existing lists. For this demonstration, I am re-directing Google-Apps and Dropbox traffic via DIA path using Centralized Data Policy.

  • Both Google-Apps & Dropbox applications are pre-defined on vManage GUI. If you need some specific application not listed, create a new application list.
  • Create a Site-list to which the policy will be applied. I am going to apply this to site 101.
  • Create VPN list to which this policy will be applied. I am using VPN 20.

3. Click Next two times and move to option “Configure Traffic Rules”. Select Traffic Data and click Add Policy > Create New.

4. Provide a Name & Description for this policy. Click create Sequence Type and choose Custom.

5. Click Sequence Rule to create a new sequence. Click “Application/Application Family List” and choose “Google_Apps”. You can also match other options like source-prefix etc.

6. Click Action. Choose Accept and NAT VPN. You can also choose other actions as desired. I have also added Counter option which will give counters of matching traffic. Once done, click Save Match and Actions to save the rule.

7. Similarly define other rules as needed. Once done, make sure to Accept the traffic in Default Sequence. Save the policy.

8. Click Next to Navigate to Next option of wizard – Apply Policy to Sites and VPNs. Provide Name & Description to Centralized Policy and choose options as per below image. Once done, hit preview and save the policy.


 data-policy _VPN20_Select-DIA-Policy
  vpn-list VPN20
    sequence 1
      app-list Google_Apps
     action accept
      nat use-vpn 0
      count Google-apps-counters_1336674583
    sequence 11
      app-list dropbox_apps
     action accept
      nat use-vpn 0
      count dropbox-counters_1336674583
  default-action accept
  app-list Google_Apps
   app google_translate 
   app google-earth 
   app google_docs 
   app google-services-audio 
   app google_picasa 
   app google-photos 
   app google_appengine 
   app hangouts-media 
   app google_cache 
   app google-meet-audio 
   app gtalk-chat 
   app google-services-media 
   app gmail_mobile 
   app gmail 
   app google_plus 
   app google-chat 
   app hangouts-audio 
   app ytimg 
   app youtube_hd 
   app google-meet-video 
   app google_gen 
   app google-services 
   app gtalk-ft 
   app google_trusted_store 
   app google 
   app hangouts-chat 
   app google-services-video 
   app google-accounts 
   app google_maps 
   app gmail_chat 
   app google_groups 
   app google-docs 
   app googlebot 
   app google_play_music 
   app google_photos 
   app chrome_update 
   app google-meet-media 
   app google_desktop 
   app google_tags 
   app google_safebrowsing 
   app google_earth 
   app google_play 
   app google_sprayscape 
   app google-plus 
   app picasa 
   app gtalk-video 
   app google_ads 
   app android-updates 
   app gcs 
   app google_analytics 
   app google_code 
   app google_toolbar 
   app blogger 
   app hangouts-video 
   app google_weblight 
   app gtalk 
   app gmail_basic 
   app google_calendar 
   app google-meet 
   app google_accounts 
   app gmail_drive 
   app google_classroom 
   app hangouts 
   app gstatic 
   app google-play 
   app google_spaces 
   app gtalk-voip 
   app google_skymap 
   app hangouts-file-transfer 
   app google-downloads 
   app youtube 
   app google_localguides 
  app-list dropbox_apps
   app dropbox 
   app dropbox_upload 
  site-list Site101
   site-id 101 
  vpn-list VPN20
   vpn 20 
 site-list Site101
  data-policy _VPN20_Select-DIA-Policy from-service

9. Click options of newly created Centralised Policy and Activate.

10. Review the configuration being pushed to vSmarts and Activate.

11. Once policy successfully activate, you can check policy pushed from vSmart to Site101 vEdges.


BR101-vEdge-1# show policy from-vsmart 
from-vsmart data-policy _VPN20_Select-DIA-Policy
 direction from-service
 vpn-list VPN20
  sequence 1
    app-list  Google_Apps
   action accept
    count Google-apps-counters_1336674583
    nat use-vpn 0
    no nat fallback
  sequence 11
    app-list  dropbox_apps
   action accept
    count dropbox-counters_1336674583
    nat use-vpn 0
    no nat fallback
  default-action accept
from-vsmart lists vpn-list VPN20
 vpn 20
from-vsmart lists app-list Google_Apps
 app android-updates
 app blogger
 app chrome_update
 app gcs
 app gmail
 app gmail_basic
 app gmail_chat
 app gmail_drive
 app gmail_mobile
 app google
 app google-accounts
 app google-chat
 app google-docs
 app google-downloads
 app google-earth
 app google-meet
 app google-meet-audio
 app google-meet-media
 app google-meet-video
 app google-photos
 app google-play
 app google-plus
 app google-services
 app google-services-audio
 app google-services-media
 app google-services-video
 app google_accounts
 app google_ads
 app google_analytics
 app google_appengine
 app google_cache
 app google_calendar
 app google_classroom
 app google_code
 app google_desktop
 app google_docs
 app google_earth
 app google_gen
 app google_groups
 app google_localguides
 app google_maps
 app google_photos
 app google_picasa
 app google_play
 app google_play_music
 app google_plus
 app google_safebrowsing
 app google_skymap
 app google_spaces
 app google_sprayscape
 app google_tags
 app google_toolbar
 app google_translate
 app google_trusted_store
 app google_weblight
 app googlebot
 app gstatic
 app gtalk
 app gtalk-chat
 app gtalk-ft
 app gtalk-video
 app gtalk-voip
 app hangouts
 app hangouts-audio
 app hangouts-chat
 app hangouts-file-transfer
 app hangouts-media
 app hangouts-video
 app picasa
 app youtube
 app youtube_hd
 app ytimg
from-vsmart lists app-list dropbox_apps
 app dropbox
 app dropbox_upload


BR101-vEdge-2# show policy from-vsmart 
from-vsmart data-policy _VPN20_Select-DIA-Policy
 direction from-service
 vpn-list VPN20
  sequence 1
    app-list  Google_Apps
   action accept
    count Google-apps-counters_1336674583
    nat use-vpn 0
    no nat fallback
  sequence 11
    app-list  dropbox_apps
   action accept
    count dropbox-counters_1336674583
    nat use-vpn 0
    no nat fallback
  default-action accept
from-vsmart lists vpn-list VPN20
 vpn 20
from-vsmart lists app-list Google_Apps
 app android-updates
 app blogger
 app chrome_update
 app gcs
 app gmail
 app gmail_basic
 app gmail_chat
 app gmail_drive
 app gmail_mobile
 app google
 app google-accounts
 app google-chat
 app google-docs
 app google-downloads
 app google-earth
 app google-meet
 app google-meet-audio
 app google-meet-media
 app google-meet-video
 app google-photos
 app google-play
 app google-plus
 app google-services
 app google-services-audio
 app google-services-media
 app google-services-video
 app google_accounts
 app google_ads
 app google_analytics
 app google_appengine
 app google_cache
 app google_calendar
 app google_classroom
 app google_code
 app google_desktop
 app google_docs
 app google_earth
 app google_gen
 app google_groups
 app google_localguides
 app google_maps
 app google_photos
 app google_picasa
 app google_play
 app google_play_music
 app google_plus
 app google_safebrowsing
 app google_skymap
 app google_spaces
 app google_sprayscape
 app google_tags
 app google_toolbar
 app google_translate
 app google_trusted_store
 app google_weblight
 app googlebot
 app gstatic
 app gtalk
 app gtalk-chat
 app gtalk-ft
 app gtalk-video
 app gtalk-voip
 app hangouts
 app hangouts-audio
 app hangouts-chat
 app hangouts-file-transfer
 app hangouts-media
 app hangouts-video
 app picasa
 app youtube
 app youtube_hd
 app ytimg
from-vsmart lists app-list dropbox_apps
 app dropbox
 app dropbox_upload

Test Flows

Traffic flow can be tested using simulation on vManage GUI or via real Host at LAN side.
1. vManage GUI Simulation Result.

If we simulate flow of some other traffic which is not configured for DIA path, that shows taking Overlay Path.

2. Traffic Initiated from LAN Host in VRF 20 and can see increment in counters of DP policy. Also “show ip nat filter” shows NAT translation.

BR101-vEdge-2# show policy data-policy-filter

                                                                                    POLICER  OOS      OOS    
NAME                      NAME   COUNTER NAME                     PACKETS  BYTES    NAME     PACKETS  BYTES  
_VPN20_Select-DIA-Policy  VPN20  default_action_count             104561   8413657                           
                                 dropbox-counters_1336674583      38       14180                             
                                 Google-apps-counters_1336674583  4284     526668      

BR101-vEdge-2# show ip nat filter            

                            PRIVATE                        PRIVATE  PRIVATE  PUBLIC                        PUBLIC  PUBLIC                                                                               
NAT  NAT                    SOURCE        PRIVATE DEST     SOURCE   DEST     SOURCE       PUBLIC DEST      SOURCE  DEST    FILTER       IDLE        OUTBOUND  OUTBOUND   INBOUND  INBOUND               

0    ge0/0   20   tcp   56597    80   56597   80      established  0:00:35:51  1         70         1        66         -          
0    ge0/0   20   tcp  57168    443  57168   443     established  0:00:59:15  23        5777       29       11163      -          
0    ge0/0   20   udp   60020    19302   60020   19302   established  0:00:00:17  9         594        0        0          -          
0    ge0/0   20   udp   60538    19302   60538   19302   established  0:00:00:36  7         462        0        0          -          

Further reading Cisco Configuration Guide.

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