Packet Capture on Cisco IOS-XE Router

Packet capture is a powerful troubleshooting tool that allows you to inspect network traffic and diagnose issues. In this article I will provide how you can perform Packet Capture on IOS-XE router itself, without need of any external device/equipment. IOS-XE router can be used either Autonomous mode or Controller mode (Cisco SD-WAN Solution).

Packet Capture Overview

Packet capture involves capturing network packets as they traverse a specific interface on the router. You can then analyze these captured packets to understand network behaviour, troubleshoot problems, or monitor traffic.


Before configuring capture, ensure the following prerequisites:

  1. System Resources: Ensure that the router has adequate CPUmemory, and disk space for packet capture operations. Although packet capturing is not resource intensive but make sure router is not running at Critical resources level.
  2. You should have details of traffic you want to capture. Example ip addresses, protocol, egress/ingress interface etc, as generally there would be a lot of other traffic that might not interest you.


IOS-XE packet capture topology

Configuring Packet Capture

Here are the steps to configure packet capture:-

  1. Create an ACL to match the desired traffic (Optional):

You have various options to match the desired traffic like based on source-ip/destination-ip, protocol, tcp/udp port etc. However, you want multiple source/destination/protocols defined then you would need an ACL to match the desired traffic.

Here are various options available for you.

R2#monitor capture CAP ?
  WORD           Name of the Capture
  access-list    access-list to be attached 
  bidirectional  capture bidirectional packets 
  buffer         Buffer options
  class-map      class name to attached 
  clear          Clear Buffer
  control-plane  Control Plane 
  export         Export Buffer
  interface      Interface
  limit          Limit Packets Captured
  match          Describe filters inline
  start          Enable Capture
  stop           Disable Capture 
  stop_export    Disable Capture and Export Buffer

R2#monitor capture CAP match ?
  any           all packets
  ipv4          IPv4 packets only
  ipv6          IPv6 packets only
  mac           MAC filter configuration
  pktlen-range  Packet length range to capture

R2#monitor capture CAP match ipv4 ?
  A.B.C.D/nn  IPv4 source Prefix /, e.g.,
  any         Any source prefix
  host        A single source host
  protocol    Protocols

2. Here is example of an ACL to match SSH bidirectional traffic between host & host

R2(config)#ip access-list extended Test1-CAP
R2(config-ext-nacl)#10 permit tcp host host eq 
R2(config-ext-nacl)#10 permit tcp host host eq 22
R2(config-ext-nacl)#20 permit tcp host eq 22 host
R2(config-ext-nacl)#do sh ip access-list Test1-CAP
Extended IP access list Test1-CAP
    10 permit tcp host host eq 22
    20 permit tcp host eq 22 host

3. Attach the ACL to capture and interface to capture.

R2#monitor cap CAP access-list Test1-CAP interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 both

4. Define the Capture size. Default it 10 MB and 100MB is max.

R2#monitor cap CAP buffer size 50

5. If you are troubleshooting an intermittent issue, then you can define circular option (Optional).

Choosing the option will allow router to overwrite old packets in buffer, if buffer size gone full, so capture will not stop automatically. You can use this option along with EEM script to stop the capture, once you hit the issue.

R2#monitor capture CAP buffer circular

6. Start the capture.

R2#monitor capture CAP start

7. Check capture status and parameters.

R2#show monitor cap CAP 

Status Information for Capture CAP
  Target Type: 
 Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0/1, Direction: BOTH
   Status : Active
  Filter Details: 
   Access-list: Test1-CAP
  Buffer Details: 
   Buffer Type: LINEAR (default)
   Buffer Size (in MB): 50
  Limit Details: 
   Number of Packets to capture: 0 (no limit)
   Packet Capture duration: 0 (no limit)
   Packet Size to capture: 0 (no limit)
   Maximum number of packets to capture per second: 1000
   Packet sampling rate: 0 (no sampling)

R2#show monitor cap CAP buffer
 buffer size (KB) : 51200
 buffer used (KB) : 0
 packets in buf   : 0
 packets dropped  : 0
 packets per sec  : 0

8. Run the test i.e. initiate the traffic.

9. Check the capture buffer to see if the traffic is captured.

R2#show monitor cap CAP buffer
 buffer size (KB) : 51200
 buffer used (KB) : 128
 packets in buf   : 147
 packets dropped  : 0
 packets per sec  : 4

R2#show monitor cap CAP buffer brief
 #   size   timestamp     source             destination      dscp    protocol
   0   58    0.000000        ->        48 CS6  TCP
   1   58    0.003005        ->        48 CS6  TCP
   2   54    0.004012        ->        48 CS6  TCP
   3   74    0.008010        ->        48 CS6  TCP
   4   74    0.009002        ->        48 CS6  TCP
   5  118    0.009002        ->        48 CS6  TCP
   6  118    0.009002        ->        48 CS6  TCP
   7  118    0.009002        ->        48 CS6  TCP

10. Now you can export the file to desired location. I am exporting to bootflash.

R2#monitor cap CAP export bootflash:/test-ssh.pcap
Exported Successfully

R2#dir bootflash: | i  test-ssh
274182  -rw-            17558  Feb 13 2024 11:30:50 +00:00  test-ssh.pcap

11. Download this pcap file from router and open in any packet capture analysis tool like Wireshark.

Happy troubleshooting! 🛠️

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